- Tests have revealed that more than 400 different species of bacteria are found in the mouth. Accordingly, health begins in the mouth. MicroSilver BG™ and HyProtect™ can help you in this respect.
- If plaque bacteria which have accumulated on the teeth are not removed properly, they lead to the development of tartar, which, in turn, provides an excellent breeding ground for other bacteria.
- According to the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI,, approximately one million implants are inserted every year in Germany. “One implant is lost every four minutes – that is 140,000 a year.” That was how Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Wagner of the University of Mainz’s opened the DGI’s 24th conference in 2010. A study of 588 patients revealed that 45% of the patients were suffering from peri-implantitis. 14.5% of the patients presented with severe peri-implantitis along with associated soft tissue inflammation and loss of bone substance.
Source: Effectiveness of Implant Therapy Analyzed in a Swedish Population: Prevalence of Peri-implantitis. Jan Derks et al., Journal of Dental Research, 2016 Jan; Vol. 95, Issue 1: 43–49
- Untreated caries (in the residual dentition) was the most common condition and affected 2.4 billion people around the globe in 2010*. If treated caries is also included in the figures, the percentage of adults affected rises to >95.
Source: (WHO/Oral Health/Databases 2015) *Journal of Dental Research, 2015, Vol. 94, Issue 5: 650 – 658
Bio-Gate AG develops innovative health technologies and individual solutions for dental medicine and orthodontics.
Example of a HyProtectTM coated dental implant:
Poster presentation at the 30th Annual DGI Congress in Hamburg:
Results of the comparative investigations into osseointegration of polysiloxane coatings containing silver on implants in animal models (dentaplas project): „Compared with the pure polysiloxane layer, the inclusion of silver in the ultra-thin polysiloxane layer in the uncontaminated model does not have any detrimental effects on the biocompatibility or osseointegration and is associated with good antibacterial efficacy. The fine structure of the substrate is not affected by the ultra-thin layer.”
Partial results of the funded project program “Leading Medical Technology Projects (BayMed) TP82 / 09-IBN / p-1655/09”, funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology:
Antimicrobial dental products with silver technology
Antibacterial and mechanical properties of filling composites
Dental Clinic 1 – Tooth preservation and periodontics – University Hospital Erlangen
Director: Prof. Dr. med. dent. Anselm PETSCHELT – Glückstraße 11 – 91054 Erlangen
Polyclinic for dental preservation – University Hospital Gießen-Marburg
Director: Prof. Dr. Roland Frankenberger – Georg-Voigt-Straße 3 – 35039 Marburg
Caries model according to Krämer and Ritzmann
- MicroSilver BG™ in dentine adhesive reduces the appearance of demineralisation at the restoration margin and enamel.
- MicroSilver BG™ gives dentine adhesives and filling composites antibacterial/anticariogenic properties.
MicroSilver BG™ can be employed in dental and orthodontic materials to improve the hygiene of braces and retainers, for example. This was illustrated in a test where braces with and without MicroSilver BG™ were worn for six months and the bacterial burden of the braces subsequently determined.
MicroSilver BG ™ clinical study on individuals
Analysis after 6 months use

Dissertation Christiane Voigt, 2005, Ulm:
“Taking into consideration the individual particularities of the respective subject and the uniqueness of the test performance, the results of the analysis of the orthodontic apparatus indicate that the silver has a preventative effect on the bacterial colonisation of plastic objects.
In the microbiological studies, the material used for the braces displayed an increasing antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus the higher the silver concentration.”
MicroSilver BGTM is highly pure metallic silver. It is antimicrobial and helps to reduce infections, plus it can be incorporated into different materials. As an antimicrobial additive, MicroSilver BGTM is effective against a wide range of bacteria and fungi, killing even multiresistant pathogens. Materials containing MicroSilver BGTM prevent complications during the healing process. When incorporated into a dental polymer such as an adhesive. MicroSilver BGTM BGTM protects the outer surface (or boundary) of dental restorations against further demineralisation. At the same time, MicroSilver BGTM in dentine adhesives, reduces the demineralisation in the enamel with all materials.
Oral hygiene in elderly care and the continuous care sectors leaves much to be desired.
The antimicrobial properties of MicroSilver BGTM dental materials can help to reduce infections associated with materials even despite inadequate oral hygiene.
In the scope of the Leading Medical Technology Projects funded project programme (BayMed) TP82 / 09-IBN / p-1655/09”, funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, it was revealed that dental materials such as
- Cements
- Composites
- Adhesives
- Denture base materials
- Fissure sealants
- Bonding systems
- Filling materials
can be equipped with antimicrobial properties.
- The anti-adherence activity and bactericidal effect of microparticulate silver additives in composite resin materials. R. Bürgers et al., Arch Oral Biol (2009); 54(6): 595-601
- Nutzung von antimikrobiellem mikropartikulärem Silber in zahnärztlichen Werkstoffen. R. Bürgers et al., Spitzenforschung in der Zahnheilkunde: 44 – 51 (2011)
Benefits for dental medicine
- Antimicrobial MicroSilver BG™TM products improve and complement hygiene, thereby reducing the risk of infections associated with the use of medical devices.
- Antimicrobial products reduce risks and ensure higher treatment success.
- Our HyProtectTM and MicroSilver BGTM technologies combat antibiotic-resistant germs.
- Bio-Gate’s antimicrobial technologies can contribute to cost savings in healthcare.
- Antimicrobial properties increase the value proposition of medical devices.
- Employing efficient and effective antimicrobial products provides a competitive advantage and helps companies to differentiate themselves from the competition.
We would be pleased to create/develop a customized solution together with you upon request: